A Second 50th Reunion Party

This is a touching story of a High School class of 1960. The class President, Tom*, had moved to Japan, married a Japanese, became a successful executive with Morgan Stanley, in Japan. At the first 50th High School reunion party back in Florida, the Japanese wife met her husband’s high school friends. You know how old school friends are. You meet them after 20 years, and the relationship, the banter, the jokes pick up where they left off. The Japanese wife was so amazed at these close friends of her husband’s she never got to know because they live half the world apart.

High school reunionA few months later, our class President, gets diagnosed with cancer. These old high school friends, one by one, coming from afar, they showed up in the hospital.

When Tom passed away soon after, the Japanese widow had a special request of Tom’s high school friends: Can you throw a party to celebrate my husband’s life, and the wonderful memories he shared with all of you. She did one more thing that made it impossible for Tom’s friends to turn down the request: She sent a $5,000 check for the party.

Thus, the SECOND 50th Reunion Party. One of the friends showed up at Play it Again Video with photos from their high school years, the year book. We scanned the photos, added favorite music from the period, and created a touching video montage that they will show at the party.

* Stories are real, names are changed to protect the innocent.

At Play it Again Video, a video transfer lab in Newton, we are not just performing a technical process of turning old home movies or old photos to digital formats. We are protecting precious memories; there is a story behind every film/video transfer job. Other Customer Stories that cross our path:

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