Archives for August 2011

Play it Again Sam

“Hello, is this Play it Again Sam?”

Well, not quite. We’re not really Play it Again Sam. We are Play it Again Video, a film and video to DVD transfer lab in Newton, MA.

But for many of the thousands of customers who’ve come through our doors since 1986, they remember us as “Play it Again Sam”.

It’s not too remote a connection, though. Just like Ingrid Bergman requests Sam to, “Play it Again” and bring back the sweet memories, our beautiful customers bring their films, tapes, slides, photos to our store and ask us to convert them to a DVD they can watch again. Cesare Pavese, Italian poet, says “The richness of life lies in the memories we have forgotten.”

So call us what you like, call us Play it Again Sam, call us Play it Again Video, we know what you mean. More importantly, we know what you want. To relive those memories trapped in your home movies film and tapes – 16mm, 8mm, Super 8, VHS, HI8, miniDV…

Play it Again, Sam